Horns meet world. World meet Britt Plotsky. Britt studied abroad in Tokyo, Japan for a year-long exchange back in the day: September 2012 – August 2013. Ok, maybe not back in the day per se, but luckily for us she documented her entire experience in her blog on tumblr titled ‘Japan Adventures‘ (click the link to discover more of Britt’s adventures!) where she posted pictures and kept her followers updated on her adventures. We’d like to highlight Britt’s 76th day, on which she…well, here, let her tell you:
DAY 76

My seat was directly in front of her.
Once again, I ordered the Tiro Finale and the spaghetti. I decided to try and offer some of the cake to Charlotte.
And so, we bid farewell to the Madoka cafe (it began on my birthday!!). I have a feeling it will return for the release of the third movie, due out sometime next year…
Afterwards, we bumped around Akiba a bit, ducking into an arcade to take some hilarious purikura pictures. I wish I could post them here, but I don’t have a digital copy of them. 🙁
Liz and Marina had to split off eventually to work on schoolwork, but I stayed with the guys and we returned to Shinjuku for Yoshinoya dinner.
If you enjoyed reading about Britt’s Madoka cafe experience, read more here: Japan Adventures. Be sure to check in next week to see where in the world our Horns will pop up next.
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