I am a banana: yellow on the outside, white on the inside. This is a term often used to describe an ABC (American-born Chinese) or 华裔. We look Chinese, but we do not act Chinese. We have grown up assimilated into the American lifestyle. My friends and I have occasionally… read more
Global Ambassador
Words of Wisdom
Today, our Maymester had our farewell dinner by the beach and said our final goodbyes. During this trip, I really made some lifelong friends, and I can’t wait to reunite with them when the school year starts back up this fall. Not only were they great travel companions, but they… read more
Goodbyes Aren’t Permanent
It was the second to last day before I was headed back to the United States. My time in London, England, was coming to a close and every moment felt bittersweet… I was going to miss my friends. I knew some students before we were all accepted into the same… read more
Some Days in My Life: Sicily Study Abroad
Every day in Sicily has brought a new adventure, loads of fun, and moments that will surely turn into precious memories. A day in the life blog post was bound to happen, right? I wanted to pick a “regular” day here, but if I’m being honest, there really is no… read more
Journey to a Second Home
Здраствуйти! My name is Sean O’Leary and I am going into Junior year at UT, studying Neuroscience and Russian. This combination of majors often takes people aback as they wonder what the connection could be between these two very different fields. However, for me, both represent an intrinsic part of… read more
Making the Most of Your Time
Before I left for my study abroad trip, my friend who had spent his spring 2019 in Germany gave me advice that would become my motto for the whole trip: “You can sleep when you get back home.” He told me that instead of waking up late on the weekends… read more
Becoming Comfortable With the Unfamiliar
Hey everyone! Just as a reminder, my name is Dominique Jeanpierre, and I’m a rising senior PR major who is currently interning in Berlin, Germany for the summer. I’m not sure if I’m still wrapped in a state of bliss from the many adventures that I have embarked on since… read more
Ichi-go Ichi-e
こんにちは! はじめまして、私はニッキーマーシャルです。テキサスの大学の三年生です。せんこうは社会学です。今は日本で勉強しています!どうぞよろしく。 Hello! My name is Nikki Marshall. I am a third-year student at the University of Texas at Austin. My major is sociology. Currently, I am studying abroad in Tokyo, Japan! Nice to meet you. Currently, I’m in a café in Tokyo, Japan sipping on a cup of sesame… read more
A Lesson in Culture Shock
There’s a feeling when you get accepted to study abroad. A sense of excitement and anticipation for the unknown rushes through you. You know that you’re going, but at the same time it feels surreal to be travelling to another country. Up until departure, you’re full of nervous energy and… read more
Letting Go of Expectations & Being Present
Hi, everyone! My name is Ellen Jordan and I am a rising junior at UT studying Nutritional Science. I have been in Ortigia, Sicily for nearly a week and I can confidently say that it has blown away any expectations I had made beforehand. Two years ago, if you would… read more