My last blog post was about how studying abroad is scary, and I still stand by that statement. However, I have stayed true to my word and have really tried to lean into experiences that make me nervous and uncomfortable. One surefire way to force myself into these situations is… read more
Global Ambassador
Cultural Differences in Berlin
Hey everyone! My name is Dominique Jeanpierre and I am a rising fourth-year public relations major! Currently, I am interning abroad in Berlin, Germany. From the beginning of freshman year, I had always dreamed of studying across the pond! The adventure, the self-exploration and necessary cultural immersion allure was an… read more
Have Fun, Take Pictures, Be Safe
“Have fun, take pictures, be safe. This is a once in a lifetime experience.” That’s what I consistently heard from my loved ones as I prepared to embark on my journey across the pond to the United Kingdom. Overwhelmed was an understatement and the pressure of seizing every opportunity this… read more
List of Things There’s a Huge Market for in Barcelona
As I’m getting acclimated to a new city in a foreign country, I’ve noticed that there are a lot of similarities between living in Barcelona and America. I have also noticed, however, many differences between the two places. Below I’ve listed what I think are some of where Barcelona draws… read more
Pack Light or Pack Right
Pick. Iron. Fold. Pack. And repeat. The London Maymester: Community Life Documented, was my first opportunity to travel to Europe, but I was no stranger to packing. My childhood consisted of skyrocketing across the blue skies to various places in the US, snacking on dry plane pretzels, and being patted… read more
Friendships on Study Abroad
When boarding the plane to Rio de Janeiro for my College of Engineering Brazil Maymester, I was a little nervous because I didn’t have any friends coming with me. Coming from different backgrounds, stories, and upbringings, the fifteen of us have experienced completely different lives. Despite our differences, we are… read more
Oh, What an Adventure
Good morning family and friends, What an adventure this has been. I have been in England for five months and yet, this still isn’t the end. There is another entire portion of my adventure on its way. I want to tell you about what’s still to come and what I… read more
Not Ready for Study Abroad to End
Hi! It’s Lauren again. I have a flight booked. It is time. I am headed home soon and I’m not quite ready. Before leaving, I had been worried about how I would adjust to the distance, the new people, the new culture. I was worried about the unknown and how… read more
Pura Vida! Part #1
No expectations are the best expectations. While going with the flow and taking things as they come goes against every fiber of my being, I made a conscious effort to be different for the next four weeks of my life. I just wrapped up my sophomore year as a double… read more
Study Abroad Is Scary
Yeah, I said it. International travel? Layovers in foreign countries? Budgeting? Interacting with locals? All of it makes me extremely uneasy. I miss the days when my mom was in charge of all of our trips, because I feel like I am not responsible enough to handle all of this.… read more