My time abroad in Querétaro is quickly coming to a close, though I was lucky enough to sneak in one last adventure with my friend Nicky. With the official end of the semester and all of our final exams completed, we stuffed our backpacks with a few changes of clothing… read more
Global Ambassador
Final Thoughts and Taking It Easy
Howdy from Singapore y’all! School here is starting to wrap up, and it’s crazy to think that in less than a week I’ll be flying back home to Texas. It honestly feels like I arrived in Singapore a few weeks ago, rather than a few months. Still, my time here… read more
Golden Week of Opportunities
こんにちは! はじめまして、私はニッキーマーシャルです。テキサスの大学の三年生です。せんこうは社会学です。今は日本で勉強しています!どうぞよろしく。 Hello! My name is Nikki Marshall. I am a third-year student at the University of Texas at Austin. My major is sociology. Currently, I am studying abroad in Tokyo, Japan! Nice to meet you. Golden Week: Today is April 29, a day that marks the end of… read more
The One With Less Pictures
Good morning friends and family, This is the one with less pictures. This is the one with the topic that nobody wants to talk about in a study abroad blog. When you’re supposed to be out enjoying your experience and exploring your new environment, nobody wants to talk about this… read more
Changing the Soundtrack of My Life
Hello again! One thing you should know about me is that music governs a major part of my life, and it is very likely that music also plays a major role in your life as well. According to a 2017 report released by Nielsen Music, Americans listen to a little… read more
Adventures Down the Yucatan
Meet the crew! These are some of the awesome longhorns I got to share my travel experience with! It’s Semana Santa, or Holy Week here in Mexico, which for many, means the time to travel and spend time with friends and family! In March my friends and I gathered around… read more
Just Do It
It’s funny to think back to past me doubting whether or not study abroad was the right choice for me- because it totally was the right move! I’m pretty sure I was so nervous that I submitted my application within hours of the deadline. But I’m here today to help… read more
Concerns and Skepticism Before My Departure to China
大家好! (dà jiā hǎo) Hello everyone! My name is Diego Maldonado. I am a third-year aerospace engineering major, and I always dreamed of studying abroad! I knew that this would become a life changing experience and I simply couldn’t miss out on it. I originally considered over 10 different countries… read more
Una Boda en Celaya
Last month, my host family invited me to attend their nephew’s wedding in March. Yesterday was the big day, which meant my host parents, my host siblings and their partners, and I loaded into my host father’s van (which doubles as a school bus for elementary schoolers during the week)… read more
It’s Not All the Same
Hi again from Sweden! Lately, I have been thinking about how we often speak of study abroad as a general experience. People say they go on study abroad and you have a picture in your mind of what that means. This picture may be shaped by your own experiences, stories… read more