If you were anything like me as a kid, then you probably spent a good deal of time imagining yourself playing with all the kids who lived far away from you who, most unfairly, got to play the games you would never have the opportunity to play: snowboarding on mountain… read more
Global Ambassador
The University of Exeter
Good morning friends and family, I, Julian Kadolph, write to you once again from Exeter, Devon, England! While it is decently cold here in Southwestern England, my heart goes out to those affected by the cold vortex in Northern states of America. I may not be experiencing that great of… read more
Bienvenidos a Queretaro
Hola y Bienvenidos a Querétaro, Mexico! My name is Paige and I’m a Sophomore studying International Relations and Global Studies. With a specialization in Latin American studies and security, I knew that Mexico would be the perfect location to continue my studies. Since this is my first reflection on my… read more
Cold, but Thriving
Hej! I’m Lauren Voigt! I am a 3rd year Human Development and Family Sciences major at UT Austin. I am from San Antonio, Texas and have never lived outside of Texas. But now I am. I am spending my spring far far away from Austin on an exchange program in… read more
The Little Differences
Good morning everyone! I write to you on the morning of my first day in Exeter – a beautiful little city on the Southwestern coast of England. My name is Julian Kadolph! I am a 4th year English Major with minors in Creative Writing and Arts and Entertainment Technology (AET).… read more
Attay: A Story of Moroccan Hospitality and Friendship
Assalamu Alaikum (السلام عليكم)! Hello, from Al-Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco! My name is Kailey Hunt, and I am a third year International Relations and Global Studies, Government, and Middle Eastern Studies major at the University of Texas at Austin. This semester, I am writing to you as an exchange… read more
Singapore’s Diversity
Hi y’all! My name is Avi Minocha and I am a third year Computer Science major. I just arrived in Singapore to start my semester at the National University of Singapore, and to be honest, the past few days have been such a whirlwind of trying to settle in and… read more
The Process of Slowing Down
As my time abroad is coming to a close – I’ll be home in just a few days – I have felt the increasing pressure to see and do everything. When I first came to the UK, I was not only excited about how many things (museums, shops, shows, holidays,… read more
Participating in Academic Research while on Exchange – FAQs
Heyya folks. Today I will be talking about my experience working in a research lab while on my exchange year in Singapore! It is daunting to try and cover the experience in one blog, so I asked several of my friends what specific questions they would like the post to… read more
Signing out From Seoul
Dear World, This time I’ll try and keep it short and sweet: As my days here in South Korea dwindle down and my friends leave one-by-one, I can’t help but feel nostalgic as I reflect upon the amazing experience I had here as a student. Going into this study-abroad experience,… read more