Hi y’all! My name is Avi Minocha and I am a third year Computer Science major. I just arrived in Singapore to start my semester at the National University of Singapore, and to be honest, the past few days have been such a whirlwind of trying to settle in and… read more
Global Ambassador
The Process of Slowing Down
As my time abroad is coming to a close – I’ll be home in just a few days – I have felt the increasing pressure to see and do everything. When I first came to the UK, I was not only excited about how many things (museums, shops, shows, holidays,… read more
Participating in Academic Research while on Exchange – FAQs
Heyya folks. Today I will be talking about my experience working in a research lab while on my exchange year in Singapore! It is daunting to try and cover the experience in one blog, so I asked several of my friends what specific questions they would like the post to… read more
Signing out From Seoul
Dear World, This time I’ll try and keep it short and sweet: As my days here in South Korea dwindle down and my friends leave one-by-one, I can’t help but feel nostalgic as I reflect upon the amazing experience I had here as a student. Going into this study-abroad experience,… read more
Catching the Travel Bug
I don’t mean to be the cliché student who comes back from studying abroad and always talks about it, but I really believe the past four months have taught me so much. When you travel to a foreign country with no friends or familiarity, you really learn about yourself and… read more
I’ve never been good at goodbyes. My friend Elizabeth use to always tell me about “windows.” Something about how some stories and some people are only in your life for finite windows, and that that’s okay. That you are meant to be grateful for that little blip in time that… read more
Saying Our Goodbyes
The last night of my program was spent toasting to the semester, hugging and taking pictures, laughing at memories, and crying from saying our goodbyes. The hardest thing I have had to do was say goodbye to friends that I have made along the way and survived almost everything with.… read more
Highlights of a Term at the University of Edinburgh
Coming to the end of my time in Edinburgh, I’d like to look back at some highlights over the course of my time here. I originally intended to include low-lights, but I couldn’t actually think of anything worth including! Hopefully, this post can give anyone who is considering studying at… read more
Two Semesters Abroad (And Some Advice to Show for It)
Hello Longhorns! My name is Joelean Hall and I’m a senior majoring in International Relations and Global Studies. I have studied abroad now for 2 consecutive semesters, one in Chile and one in Argentina. As my last blog post I wanted to reflect back on the things I’ve learned, give… read more
The Final Stretch
When I arrived in mid-August, December seemed like years away. I was unaware of just how quickly the time would pass and how much I would learn along the way. While my Instagram shows the beautiful places I visited and the fun times I had, it cannot portray what I… read more