안녕하세요! 여러분 잘지냈어요? Hey y’all! It’s Kason once again, greeting you from Seoul, South Korea. This time around I prepared a short video of an outing my friends and I took to 광장 시장 (Gwangjang Market) this past Monday after class. Enjoy! -Kason https://youtu.be/qtZeTSjJhFY This vlog was submitted by Kason… read more
Global Ambassador
Las Madres, Las Abuelas y los Nietos
Hey longhorns! My name is Joelean Hall and I’m studying in Buenos Aires this semester. I am a senior majoring in International Relations and Global Studies. Since my last blog post, I have taken a considerable amount of time at home studying and getting ready for the end of the… read more
Attending El Clásico
Barcelona is known for a lot of things. The city is known for its distinct Catalonian culture and traditions. In addition, Barcelona is also known for its tasty paella and temperate weather. What many tend to overlook is the world-class soccer that is played in the Camp Nou stadium on… read more
Hidden Treasures of Santiago
Hola everyone! This is my last blog of the semester and I have many things to share with y’all. Since my last blog, I have had a chance to really explore Santiago and discover the hidden treasures of the city. Santiago has many great parks and viewpoints. One of these… read more
Hello again, this is Lina checking in from Istanbul! I never realized how much of a whirlwind this past month has been until I sat down to reflect and look over the photos I took. If you ever study abroad or travel to a foreign country, I would recommend you… read more
Long Distance Relationships Abroad – difficult burden or a unique opportunity?
One fear I had about moving to Scotland for four months was that it would be too far away from Australia. Wait, what? You see, my girlfriend Lindsey is also studying abroad, but on the opposite side of the world at the University of Sydney. Seriously, look at the map!… read more
Weekend Travels in Argentina
Hello Longhorns! My name is Joelean Hall and this is my second blog post from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since my last blog post, I’ve had the privilege of being able to travel to Iguazu Falls and Cordoba. I was fortunate enough to have my mother visit and take me out… read more
Let’s Talk About Trash
A life of travel is a fantasy. A wonderland. But what about when it’s not? Today, I want to talk about the environmental issues of traveling in developing nations. Let’s be straight. Tourism has been shown to have terrific effects for a developing nation’s economy. It contributes to 5% of… read more
Escargot, French Riviera, and Midterms
I am now at my halfway point on this alien planet and I am surviving. I actually don’t want to leave France, or Europe at all. I have learned so many new aspects of the French culture as well as the language. It’s amazing how all my dreams have come… read more
On Adjusting, and Maximizing your Experience Abroad
Longhorns! My name is Mel Stack, and I am an international student at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. Today marks the beginning of my 7th week in Europe! So far, the tapas are tasty, the Mediterranean views are epic, and the Catalans I’ve met along the way have made… read more