Rimaykullayki, hola, and hello! My name is Elena Pojman and this is my third blog during my semester abroad in Perú. I am about seven weeks into the Peruvian school year, and I still cannot get over some of the differences between classes here and back at UT. At this point… read more
Hook ‘em from Scotland
Hello again! It’s time for round two on adventures with Joel, this time writing from the Heathrow Airport! I’m currently on a very roundabout (cheap flights y’all) itinerary that will end at a Bavarian festival. In this post, we’re going to check out the Scottish highlands. First off though, as… read more
Yes to Everything
Merhaba and welcome to Istanbul, Turkey! I’m Lina Zhao, a fourth-year economics major, and I’ll be spending my fall semester at Boğaziçi University. I can honestly say these initial three weeks in this beautiful city has been everything I wanted and more. From the beginning, strangers and fellow peers have… read more
My Second Month in Chile
Greetings from Chile! In my last blog, I talked about the difficulties of studying abroad in Chile and shared some interesting experiences that I had with y’all. At that time the only place I had traveled to from Santiago was Valparaiso. Since then I have been able to travel a… read more
In Defense of Studying Abroad in English-Speaking Countries
Hi there! My name is Emma Rappold, and I am a third-year Radio-Television-Film major and Art History minor from McKinney, Texas. This semester, I am studying Documentary Filmmaking and Photography in the University of Sussex’s Filmmaking program in Brighton, England. I chose Sussex because they were the most enthusiastic in… read more
Museos + Miércoles
Hello Longhorns! My name is Elena Pojman and I’m spending the fall semester of my junior year studying at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. I realized the other day that I’ve been here for almost five weeks, and I can’t believe how quickly that time has passed. I have wanted… read more
“La Diada” – National Day of Catalonia
Hola a tots! El meu nom és Mel Stack. I am a 4th-year undergraduate student in the Liberal Arts Honors Program, as well as the McCombs School of Business Foundations Program on the Forty Acres. This semester, I will be studying at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain! Throughout the… read more
Creating Routine in Life Abroad: My Five Tips
大家好!祝你们的日子都是美好的~ Hello everyone! So nice to finally meet y’all. I’ve officially been in Singapore for about 7 weeks now, and wow has it been a whirlwind. I was planning on giving a comprehensive list of all the awe-inspiring things that I’ve seen and done to wow and impress you, but… read more
At the Heart of Our Seouls
안녕하세요! 제 이름은 가손 케바소 입니다. 유티 학생 삼학년이지만 지금 서울 대학교에서 공부하고 있어요. 저의 전공은 국제관계학이고 부전공은 한국어 입니다. 이번 가을학기동안 한국에서 살면서 공부하게 되어 매우 흥분됩니다. 공부도 열심히 하고, 재밌게 하고, 그리고 여러분께 그것에 대해 이야기하고 싶어요. 여러분을 만나서 반갑습니다! Rough Translation: Hello! My name is Kason Kebaso.… read more
From Meat pies in New Zealand to Dumplings in Guangzhou – A few takeaways
Hey y’all! My name is Joel Swiatek, and I’ll be spending this fall at the University of Edinburgh and cannot wait to begin my studies! First, a bit about me. I’m a fun-loving senior studying Computer Science at UT, originally hailing from Dallas. The best way to describe me is… read more