Horns meet World. World meet Anton Ermakov. Anton is a eastern European and Russian Studies major here at UT and went abroad to Sweden to really invest in the culture and ended up discovering something new. Here is what he had to say about his trip. I thought I knew… read more
Now or Never: Study Abroad in Cuba
Horns meet world. World meet Megan Nater. Megan is an International Relations major who spent 5 weeks in Cuba on the Cuba in Question Maymester Program. Check out what her study abroad experience was like to see if it is right for you. We arrived in Havana early morning on… read more
Battling Language in Bangkok
I decided to go on a whim and apply for a 6 week internship program in Bangkok, Thailand very last minute. I did not even tell my parents until about one month before I left to go to Asia for the summer. I had studied abroad before for six months… read more
The Uniqueness of Studying Abroad in a Border City
The location of Frankfurt (Oder) made for some very interesting adventures. I lived about five minutes from the bridge over the Oder River that separates Germany and Poland. Most of the time I would meet friends at the McDonalds next to the bridge and we would walk over to Slubice,… read more
Tuesday Adventures in Frankfurt (Oder)
In my last post, I talked about the importance of pressing into the home culture when studying abroad. I wanted to use this post as an opportunity to give a practical example of how I did exactly that. Every Tuesday I had a class called German Literature in the 19th… read more
Best VPNs To Use Traveling Abroad
If you are reading this article it is probably for one of two reasons; 1. You have no idea what a VPN is and clicked on this article thinking it is something you didn’t know you needed to pack, 2. You know exactly what a VPN is and know that… read more
Avoid the Study Abroad Bubble!
Walking home from the university in Frankfurt (Oder) was always a unique experience. When I left the university, the view of the ancient library and modern university buildings gave way to the mall that housed discount stores. The bustle and chatter of students from all over the world gave way… read more
The Forgotten Side of Germany
My gap year experience motivated me to travel to Germany when I studied abroad. I went to the Europe University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) because I wanted to understand east Germany more deeply. The city was founded in the 1300s by merchants and the university was established in the 1600s.… read more
SENIORS: Don’t Age Yourself, Engage Yourself
Seniors!! You’re graduating, oh my! Sorry you lost your chance of studying abroad. NEXT. TOTALLY KIDDING, KEEP READING… As a senior at UT and a huge advocate for studying abroad I want to reach out to those who have this despicable misconception that IT IS TOO LATE FOR SENIORS TO… read more
Study Abroad as a First Generation Student
Are you a first generation student wanting to study abroad? Studying abroad is one of those college experiences that is highly endorsed. You get to experience a whole different culture, challenge yourself and make lifelong friends along the way. Being a first generation student myself, I know it can be… read more