It’s down to three days until graduation, and for most of us peer advisors, study abroad has greatly impacted the plans we have after walking the stage. As a reminder, peer advisors are available Monday through Friday from 9-5 during the semester and 12-3 during the summer on a walk-in… read more
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Horns meet world. World meet Alex Wendland. Alex is a Middle Eastern Studies at UT, but this past summer he went on an exchange to Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. He explains below some of his favorite spots in and around Istanbul (coffee lovers and hipsters take note). There are… read more
Bae in Beijing
Horns meet world. World meet Shalaka Joshi. Shalaka is a Government and Plan II major here at UT in the College of Liberal Arts. She spent her 2014 summer in Beijing, China as part of the US-China Relations Maymester at Tsinghua University. She had the opportunity to explore several cities in… read more
No language. No money. No problem!
This week we’ve put together a list of UT study abroad programs that: 1) do not have a foreign language requirement, and 2) are cheaper than staying at UT for the semester or summer. That’s right! You can actually save money by studying abroad! From Mexico City to Seoul, you could… read more
“Hello Japan; Goodbye America!!”
Horns meet world. World meet Chelsie Ybarra. Chelsea was a Japanese major who graduated from UT back in 2011; but, before she graduated, Chelsie studied studied abroad in the IES Affiliate Program in Tokyo, Japan for the Summer of 2010. She was in Tokyo for six weeks total, but read ahead… read more
Singapore: A City of World Fusion
Horns meet world. World meet Shadhi Mansoori. Shadhi is an Honors Neuroscience major at UT, but this summer she’s studying abroad in Singapore in the Global EDGE internship program. So far she’s been there for two months and she already has a collection of memories from her experience and some… read more
“Japan Adventures: The Adventures of a Little UT Student in the World’s Biggest City”
Horns meet world. World meet Britt Plotsky. Britt studied abroad in Tokyo, Japan for a year-long exchange back in the day: September 2012 – August 2013. Ok, maybe not back in the day per se, but luckily for us she documented her entire experience in her blog on tumblr titled… read more
Finding Some Seoul
Horns meet World. World meet Aparna Kumar. Aparna is an Advertising and Public Relations major at UT and spent her summer studying abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. Here were some of the highlights from her trip. I knew eventually I would have the opportunity to travel recreationally later,… read more