My name is Lisa and I’m an incoming sophomore studying biochemistry. My time in Santander is coming to an end, and I honestly only have beautiful things to say about this experience. I remember first applying for this program being very dubious as to what to expect. I have never… read more
Enjoy Being Abroad At Your Own Pace
When studying abroad in Spain, people usually expect to hear Barcelona or Madrid. For me however, it was Santander. Santander is the capital of Cantabria and is on the northern shore of Spain. When I first arrived, I was taken away by its beauty and climate. However, despite how much… read more
To Host Family or not to Host Family
In some study abroad programs you may have the option to decide between living in an apartment or with a host family. It can be a hard decision and one that can greatly affect your summer (or semester). I switched from an apartment to a home-stay at the last second… read more
Living with the Lovedays
Often people ask me what was my favorite part about studying abroad and looking back there are SEVERAL things I really enjoyed about my time in London. From spending hours exploring the history of the once most powerful city in the world to celebrating the queen’s birthday at the trooping… read more
Learning Swedish at a Pizzeria
A few years ago, if someone told me that I would learn Swedish from the workers at pizzeria/Mediterranean restaurant/grocery store/post office, I’d be very confused. Yet, after studying abroad, I can say there is no better way to learn the language! The main reason I went to Sweden was… read more
Diving into Germany
Horns meet World. World meet Autumn Cox-Sweet. Autumn is a fourth year International Relations and Global Studies major. She studied abroad the spring of her sophomore year at the Europa-Universitaet-Viadrina in Germany. Autumn spent a year living and working in Germany before coming to UT. She studied abroad there to become… read more
The Unknown Side of Sweden
Horns meet World. World meet Anton Ermakov. Anton is a eastern European and Russian Studies major here at UT and went abroad to Sweden to really invest in the culture and ended up discovering something new. Here is what he had to say about his trip. I thought I knew… read more
The Uniqueness of Studying Abroad in a Border City
The location of Frankfurt (Oder) made for some very interesting adventures. I lived about five minutes from the bridge over the Oder River that separates Germany and Poland. Most of the time I would meet friends at the McDonalds next to the bridge and we would walk over to Slubice,… read more
Tuesday Adventures in Frankfurt (Oder)
In my last post, I talked about the importance of pressing into the home culture when studying abroad. I wanted to use this post as an opportunity to give a practical example of how I did exactly that. Every Tuesday I had a class called German Literature in the 19th… read more
Avoid the Study Abroad Bubble!
Walking home from the university in Frankfurt (Oder) was always a unique experience. When I left the university, the view of the ancient library and modern university buildings gave way to the mall that housed discount stores. The bustle and chatter of students from all over the world gave way… read more