Throughout my time in Costa Rica, I’ve discovered the beauty in the small things. From the kindness of a family to the warmth of sharing our culture, it has been an experience like no other. Additionally, learning about the healthcare system in Costa Rica has allowed me to understand health… read more
Add Some SPICE to Your Life
“Don’t just be in another place, live in another place!” These were the very wise words in a text my mom sent me a few days after I arrived in Erfurt, Germany. When I got the text, I disregarded it with a half-hearted “I know.” The first few nights I… read more
Thriving Abroad: Conquering Culture Shock and Language Barriers
Congratulations, Longhorn! You’ve snagged that much-desired study abroad spot, and an epic adventure awaits! But let’s be real: Venturing into a new culture with a language you don’t know can feel like jumping into a mosh pit at a concert where you barely know the music. Culture shock and… read more
Spain: A Bundle of Arrows
In my experience, people underestimate Spain. We are under the impression that we must go to an unfamiliar place like Moscow, Xi’an, Bengaluru, Istanbul or Addis Ababa to truly experience another culture. Because Spanish influence is strongly present in American culture, the novelty of Spain’s identity is overlooked. I must… read more
Botswana: My Time in Ghanzi
I’ve never flown by myself before, let alone taken four international flights to a continent I’ve only seen in movies. Despite not knowing what to expect, I traveled to Maun, Botswana, for a once-in-a-lifetime study abroad experience. Landing in the dusty village of Maun with a few other students, nervous… read more
Studying Abroad More Than Once
There are many myths associated with studying abroad, such as its unbearable expense, that you can only go abroad once or that the planning phase is completely overwhelming. My experience debunks these myths. I’ve had the extraordinary ability to study abroad twice and am going abroad a third time this… read more
What It’s Like to Study Abroad in Cuba
When I told people in my life (friends, family, anyone who asked what my summer plans were) that I was going to study abroad in Cuba, I was invariably met with shocked expressions and concerned musings. I quickly learned to expect those reactions and followed up my “I’m going to… read more
Nice is Nice! Exploring the Coast of France
When my plane touched down in Nice, France, I had no idea what to expect. Traveling logistics occupied my mind before the trip, and I had no time to stop and consider what it would be like to explore one of the most beautiful and diverse ecosystems in the world. … read more
“Niceties” in France
The independence associated with “university life” is commonly acknowledged as a period of self-discovery. It’s a time in one’s life when you enter the real world, free from the confines of your childhood. In this new, unfamiliar environment, you’re driven to develop interpersonally as you’ve never done before, amid a… read more
Study Abroad Success: Maximizing Your Credits Abroad
Choosing classes for your study abroad program can initially seem like a daunting process. Many students believe they can’t satisfy their degree requirements during a study abroad program. Luckily, the resources provided by Education Abroad can ensure that students don’t have to delay graduation if they choose to study internationally.… read more