Deciding to study abroad is always filled with a plethora of questions. Where do I go? When is the right time for my schedule? What’s the cross-listing for these classes? I had these questions myself, and surprisingly enough, everything fell into place rather quickly. In January, I decided I… read more
What It’s Like to Study Abroad in Cuba
When I told people in my life (friends, family, anyone who asked what my summer plans were) that I was going to study abroad in Cuba, I was invariably met with shocked expressions and concerned musings. I quickly learned to expect those reactions and followed up my “I’m going to… read more
Ramadan in Rabat
Wow! I can’t believe the midterm season is finally over, which means I’m already more than halfway through the semester. It doesn’t feel like I’ve been here for over two months. I want time to stop because I’ve enjoyed it here so much. In a way, it feels as if… read more
Exploring Mexico and Reflecting on Studying Abroad
After three and a half months of living in Mexico City, I’m starting to realize I’m more than halfway through my study abroad experience. This is a bittersweet moment, as I’m just starting to settle into the way of life in Mexico City, with its traffic, street vendors, fast energy… read more
The Magic of Marrakesh and Essaouira
I can’t believe a new semester is already here! After spending the entire fall semester in Rabat, Morocco, I was excited to delve back into my courses this year and eager to return to this city that I now call my second home. This past weekend, though, I wasted no… read more
A Longhorn in Mexico City
The serene view of clouds and the hum of the airplane were suddenly interrupted by the tone of the captain. “We are approaching Mexico City, prepare for landing,” he said. Curiously occupying the window, I eagerly started to look outside, excited yet terrified of the first glimpse of my new… read more
Christmas Enchantment in Freiburg
As the Black Forest mountains bask in the background, beautiful Freiburg has slowly been transformed into a Christmas city. Locals and visitors flock to the “Altstadt,” or old town, to experience the enchantment of Freiburg’s annual “Weihnachtsmarkt” Christmas market. Freiburg exudes a medieval charm, thanks to its cobblestone streets and… read more
My German Lifestyle
My first few weeks of classes have passed and I’m astonished at the fact that I don’t have any assignments to do yet. Part of me feels this is strange, as I am used to having assignments to complete before most classes. However, the other part of me feels free.… read more
Tangier and Chefchaouen: Morocco’s Hidden Gems
Wow. It doesn’t even feel like it’s been two months, but this semester has flown by. I genuinely feel like I’ve seen more of Morocco than I have seen of my home state of Texas. The classes I’m taking through the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) have… read more
Morocco: Part 2
Five years ago, during one life-changing month, I fell completely in love with this country. It was particularly transformative because it was my first time flying on a plane, solo traveling and traveling outside the country. I discovered a place where I could improve my Arabic, French and even Spanish… read more