If someone had told me, a Mexican immigrant, that I was going to intern abroad in Barcelona, Spain through Absolute Internship last summer, I never would have believed them. Fast forward a year and I’m now interning in Spain for the second time as the Program Coordinator in Madrid for… read more
Spain: A Bundle of Arrows
In my experience, people underestimate Spain. We are under the impression that we must go to an unfamiliar place like Moscow, Xi’an, Bengaluru, Istanbul or Addis Ababa to truly experience another culture. Because Spanish influence is strongly present in American culture, the novelty of Spain’s identity is overlooked. I must… read more
Living and Learning
When I got the call that I’d been offered a spot in the Language and Culture program in Santander, Spain, nothing could have prepared me for how much I would gain from this experience. As I sit writing this blog in my small homestay room, admiring the skyline of this… read more
Beyond Borders: Exploring the World, Finding My Way
Living abroad in Europe is a remarkable experience for countless reasons, but perhaps one of the most extraordinary aspects is the ease and affordability of travel. The ability to hop on a train or plane and find yourself in a new country within just a few hours has allowed me… read more
Embracing España: A Month in Madrid Through the Eyes of an Exchange Student
Leaving the comfort of home is a daunting yet exhilarating experience, especially when that home is as amazing as Austin, Texas. Attending college in my hometown is fantastic for many reasons. I get to see my family every week, my dogs are just a five-minute drive from my apartment and… read more
Coffee Culture and Enjoying Your Routine
As I walk home from class at University Pompeu Fabra, I pass cafes nestled at every corner. Inside, their tables are filled with consumers of all ages and outside, small tables and chairs are scattered about. At all times of the day, they are full. While it is no shock… read more
Student Culture at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain
I felt like my dreams came true when I received news that I was accepted to a study abroad program in Spain. Once I knew I would go overseas for a semester, I began to research like crazy to feel as prepared as possible. I wanted to know what students… read more
Learning Outside of the Classroom in Barcelona
Pretty much since middle school I have been “go, go, go” nonstop. I love to learn and try new things, so I’ve always filled my schedule with as many different activities as possible. This always made me happy, but it also meant that I often felt burnt out. I am… read more
A Successful Failure
Last Saturday was a series of failures. I am spending the semester in Barcelona and after my first week of classes here, my friend and I tried to buy tickets for a trip to Tarragona for the weekend. The trip was sold out, so we tried to buy tickets for… read more
Embracing Spontaneity
Throughout my life, I’ve always been a planner. I’ve always had every detail to the second written down, organized and filed. I rarely make plans at the last second or embark on something when I don’t know all the details. It’s just how I’m wired. However, my way of organizing… read more