Boarding the plane and flying halfway across the world was not enough to convince me that I was going abroad. Touching down and navigating the streets, looking around at all of the pretty sights and never-ending aesthetic buildings, I still couldn’t comprehend how this was my life. This is the… read more
Travel Tips
What It’s Like to Study Abroad in Cuba
When I told people in my life (friends, family, anyone who asked what my summer plans were) that I was going to study abroad in Cuba, I was invariably met with shocked expressions and concerned musings. I quickly learned to expect those reactions and followed up my “I’m going to… read more
Nice is Nice! Exploring the Coast of France
When my plane touched down in Nice, France, I had no idea what to expect. Traveling logistics occupied my mind before the trip, and I had no time to stop and consider what it would be like to explore one of the most beautiful and diverse ecosystems in the world. … read more
Photographing My Way Through Dublin, Ireland
Walking through the streets of Dublin, something about the city feels familiar. But it’s nothing like Austin and Des Moines, the two places I call home. The Georgian and Victorian architecture is both stunning and approachable and you can feel the history as you get deeper into the city. Cafés… read more
Studying Abroad for Your Major
Studying abroad is a great way for students to advance their degree plans while experiencing new places and people. With the right planning and research, studying abroad is possible for every major offered at The University of Texas at Austin. Schools can help students find classes that will count toward… read more
Health Insurance Abroad: Stay Covered While You Explore the World
Oh, no! Imagine you got a bit too excited trying to explore all of Paris on foot during your semester abroad and now you have this pain in your ankle that you’d like to get checked out. What do you do? Getting sick or injured abroad can be a real… read more
Tips for Traveling While Abroad
Hopping on a plane to live and study in a new country for a few months is already an incredible opportunity. And now more than ever, travel is expensive, so having the option to visit neighboring countries and cities is often impossible to pass up. In this blog post, we… read more
Beyond Borders: Exploring the World, Finding My Way
Living abroad in Europe is a remarkable experience for countless reasons, but perhaps one of the most extraordinary aspects is the ease and affordability of travel. The ability to hop on a train or plane and find yourself in a new country within just a few hours has allowed me… read more
Reasons to Study Abroad You May Not Have Considered
Basking in the sun on Spanish beaches, glimpsing the Mona Lisa in the Louvre or gorging yourself on sushi in Tokyo might all be compelling thoughts you have when deciding to study abroad. But what about the other benefits? The ones that don’t come readily to mind when you think… read more
Your Guide to the City of Melbourne
Living in a new country can be difficult to navigate, especially when the culture is so different from what you’re used to. My first few days in Melbourne felt scattered and daunting, but now that I’ve been living here for over a month, I’ve started to get the hang of… read more