We know “what starts here changes the world,” but sometimes we miss out on witnessing how the world changes us. Study abroad opportunities at The University of Texas at Austin have a profound impact, both in shaping the almost 4,000 students who take their education abroad each year and in preparing those students to lead in a global economy and community.
We launched the Global Ambassador program earlier this semester to capture the study abroad experiences of our students and bring their stories back to the Forty Acres. Our first group of Global Ambassadors will be taking over our social media accounts and blogging, so keep your eye on this space and make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat (@worldandUT)!
Meet our first group of UT Study Abroad Global Ambassadors:
- Alexandra Schauer (South America: Nature, Society, and Sustainability in Ecuador)
- Callie Blake (Cuba In Question)
- Cameron Goff (Barcelona Internship)
- Carleigh Ann Newland (ITESM Querétaro)
- Christine Huang (Sport and the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Hannah Varghese (International Internship Hong Kong)
- Kiran Gokal (Korea University Exchange)
- Lisa Duong (Language and Culture, Santander, Spain)
- Lisa Marie Resendez (Maymester: Urban Economic Development in Cape Town, South Africa)
- Mari Spurgers (CET Academic Programs – Japan)
- Marina Hada (International internship, Japan)
- Max Malone (CET Beijing, China)
- Ryan Hammock (DIS – Copenhagen)
- Saera Durrani CUHK
- Sarah Chavez (Sport and the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Valerie Barboza (Internship in Shanghai, China)
- Veronica Lyzette Rivera (Learning from Mexico City: Transnational Latina/o/x Studies)
We were overwhelmed by the huge number of students who applied, and choosing our first group proved incredibly challenging. We are grateful to everyone for their interest and applications. If you’re studying abroad this summer, we invite you to stay connected and be a part of the story by using #UTstudyabroad.
If you’re studying abroad in the fall and interested in being a Global Ambassador, you can still apply.
We can’t wait to witness the experiences of our Global Ambassadors throughout the summer! Here’s to taking the world by the horns, letting the world change us, and helping us gain the skills to change the world.
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