Every year from September 15 to October 15, we celebrate Hispanic heritage and culture in the United States. For this blog post, we are sharing stories from three Hispanic students about their unique study abroad experiences. For our first story, we’ll be discussing Marco Pevia’s experience abroad in Brazil.… read more
Peer Notes
Studying Abroad for Your Major
Studying abroad is an exhilarating and unforgettable experience, but what many don’t realize is that the initial process can be stressful and tedious. Searching for credits and courses can be exhausting and feel overwhelming. This post will help you overcome these challenges and make the experience a little less chaotic.… read more
Laying Foundations: Speaking With Your Academic Advisor
Exploring international cuisines and landscapes and expanding your knowledge of different cultures marks the experience of studying abroad, but academics hold importance, too. One of the most crucial steps during the study abroad planning process is to speak with your academic advisor. They can help narrow down what type of… read more
Preparing to Study Abroad? Here’s What You Should Pack
Before embarking on your study abroad adventure, your preparations will include packing, of course. Packing is a crucial step that is often overlooked until the last minute, but it should be considered with extreme importance. Making sure you pack the necessary items will save you money and help you avoid… read more
Mentally Preparing for Studying Abroad
As you prepare to embark on your study abroad journey, your mind will be swarmed with mixed emotions. In certain moments, you will experience insurmountable excitement as you visualize yourself studying and living in the magical country you’ve chosen. However, this moment can transform into intense feelings of anxiety, which… read more
Breaking Through the Roadblocks: Scholarship Searches
Our goal at Education Abroad is to make studying abroad accessible to all students. One of how we fulfill this objective is by providing a plethora of scholarship opportunities. Studying abroad can be costly, but our funding resources help alleviate some of those expenses. One Peer Mentor, who is utilizing… read more
My First 24 Hours Abroad
Traveling abroad can be challenging, especially when it’s a country and culture you have never experienced. During my summer abroad, I truly hit the ground running: My flight to Copenhagen, Denmark landed 16 hours before my first class. For someone like me who enjoys a fast-paced environment, this was a… read more
Keeping Up Your Language Skills When You Return
Participating in a study abroad program is a great way to learn a new language or improve your language skills. Being immersed in countries where the dominant language isn’t English will force you to utilize your second language and gain experience that you wouldn’t find in a classroom setting. But… read more
Military Appreciation Month: Veterans’ Resources for Studying Abroad
Here in Education Abroad, we are committed to helping all students have a successful experience abroad. If you or someone in your family receives veterans’ benefits, you can use these resources to support your time studying abroad. There are plenty of options for family members and veterans to use. Below… read more
So, You’ve Missed Your Study Abroad Deadline…
What do you do if you’ve missed a deadline to study abroad with The University of Texas at Austin? This is one of the most common questions we get in the Education Abroad office, and it’s often a point of extreme stress for students. However, I’m here to tell you… read more