Ni hao, my name is Valerie Barboza and I am an upcoming junior studying Mathematics with a teaching certificate. I am spending eight weeks as an intern at the Huixin International Office in Shanghai, China, where I am one of two teachers to five amazing students (Derrick, Stark, John Deere,… read more
Coffee Tasting in Guatemala
Hola, hola! So, I guess to begin, I should introduce myself. I’ll keep it brief! My name’s Andres M. Garza, I was born and raised in Mexico, and I’m a senior anthropology student at The University of Texas. Currently, I’m in Guatemala doing a study abroad program over Maya art… read more
Exploring Sport Law in Switzerland
Ten days into my program and I feel like I’ve already done so much here in Switzerland. This past week I had orientation at UNIL (Université de Lausanne), my first sport law class, the first (of many) excursions, visited the botanical garden and spent a day at Lake Geneva. With… read more
What to Know About Studying Abroad in Mexico
I have had an amazing time studying abroad in Querétaro, Mexico. If you are interested at all in studying abroad, I say do it! Especially if you want to study abroad in Mexico. Here is what you should know before you start packing your bags: This vlog was submitted by Carleigh… read more
You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think
Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Chavez and I am a second-year sport management major with a certificate in sports media currently partaking in the Sport and the International Olympic Committee Maymester in Lausanne, Switzerland. I learned about this program while taking a German sport and politics class this past… read more
Cuba Is Going to Show Me Many Splendid Things
Howdy! My name is Callie Blake and I am a third-year journalism major at The University of Texas at Austin. Three days from now, on June 2, I will be taking my first trip abroad to Havana, Cuba for an entire month! I’m excited, nervous, happy, and stressed all at… read more
Planes, Spain, and Cultural Strains
¡Hola a todos! My name is Cameron, I study biochemistry (pre-med) and I’m heading into my senior year at UT. This summer I will be interning in Barcelona at Hospital El Pilar, a private hospital in the city, with their international patient care division. I provide an extra layer of… read more
Why I Chose to Study Abroad in Querétaro, Mexico
This video captures my first few days in Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico. I am excited to share the start of my adventure with you as well as why I decided to study abroad. Hope you enjoy it! This vlog was submitted by Carleigh Newland (’20), government & theatre major,… read more
Introducing the First Class of Global Ambassadors
We know “what starts here changes the world,” but sometimes we miss out on witnessing how the world changes us. Study abroad opportunities at The University of Texas at Austin have a profound impact, both in shaping the almost 4,000 students who take their education abroad each year and in preparing those… read more