By far the hardest thing that I went through in regards to studying abroad was coming home. Before I even went abroad, I was aware of what “reverse culture shock” was, and I knew that I would be affected by it when I came back. I had thought (and had… read more
Cuba: a Newcomer to None, an Art Among Arts
Horns meet world. World meet Omar Gamboa. Omar is an English and Latin American Studies major at UT, and he spent last June abroad on the Cuba in Question Maymester, UT’s first study abroad program in the country since the United States’ break of diplomatic relations during the Cold War. The… read more
5 Ways to go Abroad After Graduation
Did you miss the last deadline for study abroad? Did you fall in love with the study abroad experience and can’t wait to jump on the first plane headed out of the country? Are you graduating but don’t feel quite ready for serious adult life and the corporate grind? Are… read more
Halloween Around the World
This week we’ve compiled some pictures from all around the world showing how everyone celebrates Halloween. We’ve also randomly selected 10 fun facts about Halloween from “40 Fun Facts About… Halloween” from the website Random Facts. Also, here are some fun facts about Halloween Around the World and some Interesting Halloween… read more
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Horns meet world. World meet Alex Wendland. Alex is a Middle Eastern Studies at UT, but this past summer he went on an exchange to Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. He explains below some of his favorite spots in and around Istanbul (coffee lovers and hipsters take note). There are… read more
Service Learning in South Africa
Horns meet world. World meet Kristen Lenz. Kristen is an Urban Studies major at UT, but just this past summer she participated in the Urban Economic Development Maymester in South Africa where she got to apply some classroom knowledge to real world problems in South Africa concerning economic development. Exhausted from forty… read more
7 Secrets to a Cheap International Flight
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to your dream study abroad program, and you feel the happiness and giddiness bubbling inside … until you start the search for plane tickets. It turns out, it’s not too cheap to fly to the other end of the world. But fear not! Here are a few… read more
Classes in Copenhagen
Horns meet world. World meet Xochitl Butcher. Xochitl is a Biochemistry major at UT Austin, but she’s spending her 2015 Fall semester in Denmark on the University of Copenhagen exchange program. Luckily for us, Xochitl has been logging her experience on a blog: Xochitl Abroad. Below is just a glimpse of her extensive… read more
Bae in Beijing
Horns meet world. World meet Shalaka Joshi. Shalaka is a Government and Plan II major here at UT in the College of Liberal Arts. She spent her 2014 summer in Beijing, China as part of the US-China Relations Maymester at Tsinghua University. She had the opportunity to explore several cities in… read more
Self Discovery in Austria
Horns meet world. World meet Joseph Voss. Joe is a Mechanical Engineering major who went to Vienna on the Introduction to Engineering Design and Graphics Maymester program. He was able to travel around Austria and found himself going through a mode of self-discovery during the trip: This past summer I participated… read more