Здраствуйти! My name is Sean O’Leary and I am going into Junior year at UT, studying Neuroscience and Russian. This combination of majors often takes people aback as they wonder what the connection could be between these two very different fields. However, for me, both represent an intrinsic part of… read more
Affiliate Programs
Concerns and Skepticism Before My Departure to China
大家好! (dà jiā hǎo) Hello everyone! My name is Diego Maldonado. I am a third-year aerospace engineering major, and I always dreamed of studying abroad! I knew that this would become a life changing experience and I simply couldn’t miss out on it. I originally considered over 10 different countries… read more
How to Fit Study Abroad Into Your 4 Years at UT in 4 Steps
General Rule of Thumb Start planning early! I recommend most people begin planning their study abroad experience at least one semester in advance. However, remember, the earlier you get started the more options you will have! Yes. You FRESHMEN. Theoretically, y’all have the MOST options to study abroad as you… read more
Living with the Lovedays
Often people ask me what was my favorite part about studying abroad and looking back there are SEVERAL things I really enjoyed about my time in London. From spending hours exploring the history of the once most powerful city in the world to celebrating the queen’s birthday at the trooping… read more
Don’t Tell People You Are American, Trust Me…
The word “American” sometimes leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of foreigners. Let’s be honest, vacationing Americans are not the most sensitive to other cultures and customs. We have created the stereotype that American vacationers can be quite literally “idiots abroad”. When students study abroad, we can sometimes suffer… read more
Before it Begins
Horns meet World. World meet Tiffany Fung. Tiffany was a Sociology major here at UT, and she spent spring of 2014 studying abroad on an affiliated program with IES in Barcelona, Spain at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). During her time abroad, she kept a blog of her adventures. In the post… read more
Hungry in Barca? Eat here!
Horns meet World. World meet Rachel Thompson. Rachel was a Journalism major here at UT, and she spent fall of 2014 studying abroad on an affiliated program with IES in Barcelona, Spain at the University Pompeu Fabra after a summer in Dublin, Ireland with the same organization. During her time abroad,… read more
Adventures in Botswana
Horns meet World. World meet Alexandra Gary. Alexandra is a nursing major here at UT, and she spent the summer of 2014 abroad in Gaborone, Botswana studying community public health! When I first decided to study abroad in Gaborone (the capital of Botswana), many people were surprised by my decision.… read more
Buenos Dias Buenos Aires
Horns meet world. World meet Josh Bower. Josh is a transfer student from the University of Texas Arlington currently majoring in Economics and Iberian and Latin American Languages and Cultures here at UT Austin. This past summer, though, Josh spent his time polishing his Spanish-language skills in South America by… read more
Nguyen in Rome
Horns meet world. World meet Teresa Nguyen. Teresa graduated this past May with a B.S. in Biology from UT and is currently continuing her education at the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy, but before she ever graduated she participated in the IES: Rome Affiliate Program during the… read more