Horns meet World. World meet Megan Nater. Megan is an International Relations major here at UT with a minor in Latin American Studies. Check out her perspective on Peru, and why you should go there too! My sweet roommate from sophomore year told me that Peru changed her life. She… read more
Exchange Programs
Finding my Soul in Seoul
Horns meet World. World meet Jessica Chen. Jessica studied abroad the summer before her senior year, and is majoring in Public Health. Although she wasn’t gone very long, her experience was one to remember. Here is what she has to say about it. My glasses fogged as I peered into… read more
Now or Never: Study Abroad in Cuba
Horns meet world. World meet Megan Nater. Megan is an International Relations major who spent 5 weeks in Cuba on the Cuba in Question Maymester Program. Check out what her study abroad experience was like to see if it is right for you. We arrived in Havana early morning on… read more
Battling Language in Bangkok
I decided to go on a whim and apply for a 6 week internship program in Bangkok, Thailand very last minute. I did not even tell my parents until about one month before I left to go to Asia for the summer. I had studied abroad before for six months… read more
The Forgotten Side of Germany
My gap year experience motivated me to travel to Germany when I studied abroad. I went to the Europe University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) because I wanted to understand east Germany more deeply. The city was founded in the 1300s by merchants and the university was established in the 1600s.… read more
Make This Place Your Home
Horns meet world, world meet Amanda Mouton. Writing to us while she is still currently abroad, check out what she has to saw about her time in New Zealand so far. I sadly said farewell to my host family, the ever sweet Hikus, on Wednesday. It’s not goodbye forever, as I’ve… read more
First Exchange for All Majors in Italy!
We’ve got some exciting news hot off the press: the Study Abroad Office is opening its first exchange program in Italy open to all majors in Spring of 2017! Students will study at the University Luigi Bocconi in Milan, which ranks consistently well in world rankings of business and management… read more
“Sooo… what’s the next step after graduation?”
It’s down to three days until graduation, and for most of us peer advisors, study abroad has greatly impacted the plans we have after walking the stage. As a reminder, peer advisors are available Monday through Friday from 9-5 during the semester and 12-3 during the summer on a walk-in… read more
Lessons from Chile
“I sometimes think drivers don’t know what grass is, or flowers, because they never see them slowly” (Fahrenheit 451) I love my planner. It keeps my life organized; it reminds me of birthdays, holidays, and party plans. I can simultaneously manage countdowns, due dates, and daily to-do lists. I feel… read more
Suddenly the deep blue sea
Horns meet World. World meet Jennifer Yang. Jennifer is an English major at UT, and she spent her sophomore year abroad on an exchange at the Université Jean Moulin in Lyon, France. She kept a blog while abroad and shares in this post her adventures in the southern city of… read more