I have had an amazing time studying abroad in Querétaro, Mexico. If you are interested at all in studying abroad, I say do it! Especially if you want to study abroad in Mexico. Here is what you should know before you start packing your bags: This vlog was submitted by Carleigh… read more
North America
Cuba Is Going to Show Me Many Splendid Things
Howdy! My name is Callie Blake and I am a third-year journalism major at The University of Texas at Austin. Three days from now, on June 2, I will be taking my first trip abroad to Havana, Cuba for an entire month! I’m excited, nervous, happy, and stressed all at… read more
Now or Never: Study Abroad in Cuba
Horns meet world. World meet Megan Nater. Megan is an International Relations major who spent 5 weeks in Cuba on the Cuba in Question Maymester Program. Check out what her study abroad experience was like to see if it is right for you. We arrived in Havana early morning on… read more
Top 10 Must Eats When in Mexico City:
Mexico City has a bit of everything, from colonial and traditional to some of the most lavish areas you can possibly imagine. In 2016, The New York Times named Mexico City the #1 place to visit and after studying abroad there for 6 months I now understand why. To say… read more
Where Should I Go? Cana-DUH!
At the beginning of November, recently elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made history by appointing an equal number of men and women on his cabinet “because it’s 2015.” He has a list of ambitious and progressive goals for the country, many of which are unimaginable in the United States. Canada… read more
Cuba: a Newcomer to None, an Art Among Arts
Horns meet world. World meet Omar Gamboa. Omar is an English and Latin American Studies major at UT, and he spent last June abroad on the Cuba in Question Maymester, UT’s first study abroad program in the country since the United States’ break of diplomatic relations during the Cold War. The… read more
Debunking Mexico: 10 Reasons why you should go to Mexico
Mexico. As soon as someone hears that in Texas or elsewhere in the United States they automatically assume that it is a place filled with drug violence and political instability. Granted, the drug violence did reach an all-time high level during the beginning of the troop surge during the years… read more