Heyya folks. Today I will be talking about my experience working in a research lab while on my exchange year in Singapore! It is daunting to try and cover the experience in one blog, so I asked several of my friends what specific questions they would like the post to… read more
I’ve never been good at goodbyes. My friend Elizabeth use to always tell me about “windows.” Something about how some stories and some people are only in your life for finite windows, and that that’s okay. That you are meant to be grateful for that little blip in time that… read more
Studying abroad, in most cases, comes with an expectation. An expectation of discovering who you are, developing your person. Of finding identity. This may be even more exemplified when minority students study abroad, including when, and maybe especially when, moving to a place of majority. Here’s my story. Mixed race… read more
Creating Routine in Life Abroad: My Five Tips
大家好!祝你们的日子都是美好的~ Hello everyone! So nice to finally meet y’all. I’ve officially been in Singapore for about 7 weeks now, and wow has it been a whirlwind. I was planning on giving a comprehensive list of all the awe-inspiring things that I’ve seen and done to wow and impress you, but… read more
How to Choose Your Next Destination
Horns meet world. World meet Shivangi Gupta. Shivangi is an International Relations and Global Studies (IRG) major and she spent five months studying abroad on the exchange program at the National University of Singapore and the Maymester: the U.S, U.K, and World Order program at Oxford University. I have returned… read more
Singapore: A City of World Fusion
Horns meet world. World meet Shadhi Mansoori. Shadhi is an Honors Neuroscience major at UT, but this summer she’s studying abroad in Singapore in the Global EDGE internship program. So far she’s been there for two months and she already has a collection of memories from her experience and some… read more