A common problem students encounter when planning a semester abroad is deciding where to go. It sounds simple, but when you mix curiosity and wanderlust with the multitude of options UT offers, it often becomes a difficult decision. Maybe you’re a travel nut, or hope to be, and pretty much anywhere sounds good.… read more
How to Stay Healthy Abroad
Relocating to a new country can disrupt one’s habits a bit. There are new places to see, work to be done, travel to be booked and delicious eats to taste. Students in my study abroad group often complained about getting sick or ditching the healthier habits they held at home.… read more
How To Get To Know Your City
Some of my best memories from my semester in Spain involved wandering around the city and stumbling upon new sights, little cafes, and locally-owned shops. Immersing yourself in your new city exposes you to all the possibilities it holds and makes it feel a bit more like home. Here are… read more