“Tekrardan merhaba” — hello once again! Disclaimer: Google Translate and a very kind friend contributed to the translation of the previous sentence, as my Turkish is regrettably still “iyi değil” (not up to par). It’s apt that my friend so thoughtfully contributed to the introductory sentence of this blog post since… read more
The House on Şair Necati Sokak: An Istanbul Diary
“Merhaba ve hoş geldiniz,” or, hello and welcome! I have lived in Istanbul for three months, and my experiences here have been the greatest gift. Turkey is an incredible country, with picturesque landscapes, rich cultural traditions, gregarious citizens and a fascinating, albeit intricate, history. My first impression of the… read more
Gratitude Across Borders
My abiding feeling while studying abroad has been gratitude. The opportunities I’ve had this semester while studying at Sciences Po in Paris, France, are mind-boggling. A text I sent at the start of the year after bombarding my friends with the new and beautiful things I’d seen so far… read more
Catching the Travel Bug
I don’t mean to be the cliché student who comes back from studying abroad and always talks about it, but I really believe the past four months have taught me so much. When you travel to a foreign country with no friends or familiarity, you really learn about yourself and… read more
Hello again, this is Lina checking in from Istanbul! I never realized how much of a whirlwind this past month has been until I sat down to reflect and look over the photos I took. If you ever study abroad or travel to a foreign country, I would recommend you… read more
Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Horns meet world. World meet Alex Wendland. Alex is a Middle Eastern Studies at UT, but this past summer he went on an exchange to Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. He explains below some of his favorite spots in and around Istanbul (coffee lovers and hipsters take note). There are… read more
No language. No money. No problem!
This week we’ve put together a list of UT study abroad programs that: 1) do not have a foreign language requirement, and 2) are cheaper than staying at UT for the semester or summer. That’s right! You can actually save money by studying abroad! From Mexico City to Seoul, you could… read more
Turkish Delight
Horns meet World. World meet Mia Collins. Mia is an International Relations major and a Geography major at UT that studied abroad at Bogazici University in Instanbul, Turkey. Here are some of her highlights from her experience. I decided to go to Turkey largely out of curiosity, and a desire… read more