I have a huge fear of sharks. Some might call it irrational, and honestly, I would probably agree. But somehow, despite the strong (and valid) association between Australia and sharks, I ended up studying abroad in Sydney. You see, I absolutely loved Australia. And I absolutely loved the beach. I… read more
Peer Notes
‘United Nations’ Gather in Brazil by Maria Roque
Before setting out to Brazil to enjoy a semester abroad, I looked forward most to living the Brazilian culture. I was not aware that I was about to embark on a journey through which I would learn about other cultures, too. This semester, I am studying abroad in Fortaleza, Brazil with SIT’s Brazil: Social… read more
Valentine’s Day and the Lock Bridge
The week before Valentine’s Day 2013, my closest friend in Paris got an interesting email from a professor who was back in Austin. He asked us to find the love lock that he and his wife had fastened to one of 11 locked-bridges in Paris the previous summer. However, the… read more
Stuck in Italian Paradise
By Jirika Dylan Kitchen Nikoletopoulos Be careful about going abroad. You might not want to leave your host country! You could be stuck in paradise. As a junior journalism major I decided to go abroad in the fall of 2013. I thought it would merely be a semester. However,… read more