Before coming to London, I counted myself lucky for never having tasted “mushy peas.” I recoiled at pictures of beans on toast and something called “black pudding,” a type of blood sausage originating from the U.K. and Ireland. There’s a sort of universally accepted stereotype that British food has less… read more
The Walk: My London Ritual
It is currently October, and I have yet to go to a single class here in London. After a long summer at home, watching my friends pack their bags and head back to Austin, I was finally on the plane headed to Heathrow, hoping everything would be OK while I… read more
Living Without Regrets
People around the world wonder what their lives would have been like had their past selves chosen something other than what they ended up doing. Regret permeates the human condition as much as any emotion, and reflection on the past, such as what I write here, has the ability to… read more
Gratitude Across Borders
My abiding feeling while studying abroad has been gratitude. The opportunities I’ve had this semester while studying at Sciences Po in Paris, France, are mind-boggling. A text I sent at the start of the year after bombarding my friends with the new and beautiful things I’d seen so far… read more
An Overexcited Student’s Guide to London Public Transportation
Anyone who has talked to me knows it. It takes about five minutes, on average, for me to bring up public transportation in a conversation. From the ease of not having to deal with traffic to the unique experience of sitting with a bunch of strangers going somewhere, I could… read more
Worries Don’t Disappear, But Excitement Offsets Them
I desired to study abroad ever since the summer of 2019, when a wide-eyed freshman me arrived at the great University of Texas for orientation. Among all the sessions for clubs, organizations and societies over those two days, “Devin of the past” felt most intrigued and inspired after talking to… read more
The First Month Abroad
I have been in London for just over a month, and it has been the longest month of my life. Nothing could have prepared me for the first week. Between the chaos of registering for classes, making sure I was following COVID-19 protocols, and unpacking, I found myself wondering if… read more
A Day in the Life on Exchange in London
This post was contributed by Amarachi Ngwakwe, a Global Ambassador for fall 2020. Amarachi is a Humanities and Health and Society major studying abroad in London, United Kingdom. Amarachi will also be taking over our Instagram Stories @texasglobalabroad, so be sure to follow along as she shares her experiences abroad!
Studying Abroad During a Pandemic
This post was contributed by Amarachi Ngwakwe, a Global Ambassador for fall 2020. Amarachi is a Humanities and Health and Society major studying abroad in London, United Kingdom. Amarachi will also be taking over our Instagram Stories @texasglobalabroad, so be sure to follow along as she shares her experiences abroad! In… read more
You Can Take The Girl Outta London…
This post was contributed by Chelsea Cowan, a program coordinator for faculty-led programs in Education Abroad, about how she optimized her time abroad in London to include studying, service learning, and research. Whenever anyone asks me what the strongest influence on my life has been up until this point, I always… read more