I am new to Austin. I just moved to town, and what a time to move! I was most recently living in Doha, Qatar and have been in Austin for just over a month. It is always a challenge to move across oceans, build a new life, learn a new… read more
My Quokka Adventure
It’s Ally, again! If you’ve been following along with my blogs, it’s been a while since I’ve been here in Perth! Finals are over and they were brutal. All of my exams were written essays so by the end of the week my hand was throbbing. My lab exam did… read more
My Experience With Mental Health While Abroad
Hey guys! My name is David Zulli and I am a 3rd-year International Relations and Global Studies and Anthropology double major with a certificate in Spanish for Business Professions. This fall, I have the privilege of studying in Granada, Spain, a small city in Southern Iberia. Throughout these past few… read more
Pre – ad[vuong]ture
As an Asian American, growing up I spoke what I coined as “Chinglish.” Phrases like “wo zai zuo wo de homework” or “ni xiang chi shen me for lunch” were just thrown around without a second thought. It was not until I began studying Chinese in a classroom setting that… read more
Pura Vida! Part #2
So I am halfway through my Maymester here in Costa Rica and have experienced enough to fill a whole summer’s worth (luckily, there is plenty more to come). I have had the luxury of being able to go with my classmates on several small excursions during the week and weekend… read more
Three Things I’ve Done in Cape Town that Have Scared Me
My last blog post was about how studying abroad is scary, and I still stand by that statement. However, I have stayed true to my word and have really tried to lean into experiences that make me nervous and uncomfortable. One surefire way to force myself into these situations is… read more
Oh, What an Adventure
Good morning family and friends, What an adventure this has been. I have been in England for five months and yet, this still isn’t the end. There is another entire portion of my adventure on its way. I want to tell you about what’s still to come and what I… read more
Not Ready for Study Abroad to End
Hi! It’s Lauren again. I have a flight booked. It is time. I am headed home soon and I’m not quite ready. Before leaving, I had been worried about how I would adjust to the distance, the new people, the new culture. I was worried about the unknown and how… read more
One Last Adventure
My time abroad in Querétaro is quickly coming to a close, though I was lucky enough to sneak in one last adventure with my friend Nicky. With the official end of the semester and all of our final exams completed, we stuffed our backpacks with a few changes of clothing… read more
7 Underrated Reasons to Study Abroad
1. Immersing yourself in a new culture One of the most important reasons to study abroad is immersing yourself into a foreign culture. With studying abroad, you will experience new languages (even if it is your native language, being in a new country means that you will not be privy… read more