After applying to The University of Texas at Austin in Fall 2019, I received a rejection letter and was instantly devastated. However, I applied to UT knowing about the possibility to appeal admissions decisions. I appealed and waited until April 1, 2020, when I finally received my “Gone to Texas”… read more
+12 Hours
Greetings from halfway across the world! My name is Nichelle Haley, and I am doing an internship in Singapore for the summer. Singapore is +12 hours from my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, and +13 hours from Austin. So every night in Austin, it is already tomorrow in Singapore. I remember… read more
Thinking About Studying Abroad? Here’s Why You Should
This blog post was contributed by Eugene Nam, an Education Abroad peer advisor who helped other Longhorns begin their own transformative education abroad adventures. What type of Education Abroad program is the best in your eyes and why? In my eyes, the best Education Abroad program is the university-wide exchange… read more
The Budget of Being Abroad
Hello again, for my final blog post of the semester! My name is Brandon and I’m a third-year marine science and journalism major studying at the National University of Singapore. With the semester finally at a close, I wanted to look back on one of the things that nobody really… read more
Journey’s End
Hello again! It’s been quite a while since I last wrote. My name is Brandon and I’m a third-year marine science and journalism major studying at the National University of Singapore (NUS) for this fall semester. With final exams fully underway and having just finished three of my four exams… read more
The Being Abroad Part of Study Abroad
Hello! Long time, no see from Singapore! For those who are reading for the first time, or those who forgot who I am, my name is Brandon Chan and I’m a third-year marine science and journalism student studying at the National University of Singapore (NUS). With about half of the… read more
Things to Know Before Arriving in Singapore
Hello! Greetings from Singapore! My name is Brandon Chan, and I’m a third-year marine biology and journalism major studying at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Singapore starts school a bit earlier than UT so I’ve been in the country now for a little over a week. With the start… read more
Final Thoughts and Taking It Easy
Howdy from Singapore y’all! School here is starting to wrap up, and it’s crazy to think that in less than a week I’ll be flying back home to Texas. It honestly feels like I arrived in Singapore a few weeks ago, rather than a few months. Still, my time here… read more
Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone
Howdy from Singapore! It has been a very hot two months since I got here, full of exploring different places, meeting new people, and eating the BEST food. I also think I’m finally starting to consider Singapore as home. It definitely wasn’t always this way though. When I first arrived… read more
Singapore’s Diversity
Hi y’all! My name is Avi Minocha and I am a third year Computer Science major. I just arrived in Singapore to start my semester at the National University of Singapore, and to be honest, the past few days have been such a whirlwind of trying to settle in and… read more