This week’s pro tip from your favorite team of peer advisors: get involved while you’re abroad! Odds are that at UT, you have several interests and friend groups outside of class… and there’s no reason why you can’t be the same thing abroad. Whether you like to volunteer at home… read more
South America
Lessons from Chile
“I sometimes think drivers don’t know what grass is, or flowers, because they never see them slowly” (Fahrenheit 451) I love my planner. It keeps my life organized; it reminds me of birthdays, holidays, and party plans. I can simultaneously manage countdowns, due dates, and daily to-do lists. I feel… read more
Remembering the Parque de la Memoria
Horns meet World. World meet Elizabeth Gerberich. Elizabeth is an Anthropology and Latin American Studies major here at UT, and she studied abroad during fall 2013 with IFSA Butler in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During her time abroad, she also interned at the Parque de la Memoria, working for the remembrance of… read more
Brazil: Beauty, History, and Poverty
Horns meet World. World meet Nina Ho. Nina is a French and Advertising major here at UT, and she spent the summer of 2013 studying abroad in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. She volunteered with a community school during her time abroad. There are little moments lately when I just stop and… read more
Guatemala or Guatebuena?
Horns meet World. World meet Natalie. Natalie is a religious studies major here at UT, and studied abroad summer of 2015 in Antigua, Guatemala. In the post below she write about her experience studying the effects of NGOs while becoming better at Spanish. Over the summer I studied abroad through… read more
Lessons on Hostel Travel
During my year abroad in Santiago, Chile, I was fortunate enough to spend two weeks traveling in the south of the country, two months backpacking by myself in neighboring Argentina (with only the backpack I took to class!), and ten days in Peru. I also spent several weekends exploring the… read more
Dieciocho in Chile
Almost two months into my year as an exchange student at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica in Santiago, Chile, I had the chance to experience the Chilean National Holidays or the Fiestas Patrias. The 18th of September, or El Dieciocho, celebrates the formation of Chile’s first military government and the beginning… read more
Buenos Dias Buenos Aires
Horns meet world. World meet Josh Bower. Josh is a transfer student from the University of Texas Arlington currently majoring in Economics and Iberian and Latin American Languages and Cultures here at UT Austin. This past summer, though, Josh spent his time polishing his Spanish-language skills in South America by… read more
Peru: A Day in the Life of Lauren Moore
Horns meet World. World meet Lauren. She’s a third-year English major and is currently living it up during her semester exchange at Pontificia Universidad Catolica in Lima, Peru. Lauren has been abroad for a month now and says about the experience that “it took a couple of days to get over… read more
‘United Nations’ Gather in Brazil by Maria Roque
Before setting out to Brazil to enjoy a semester abroad, I looked forward most to living the Brazilian culture. I was not aware that I was about to embark on a journey through which I would learn about other cultures, too. This semester, I am studying abroad in Fortaleza, Brazil with SIT’s Brazil: Social… read more