Since early June, I’ve had the privilege of carrying out my fellowship with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in Panama City, Panama. Working closely with the Institute of Democratic Studies (INED) at the Electoral Tribunal of Panama, I have collaborated with some of the sharpest… read more
South America
Faculty-Led Program in Guatemala and Belize
Living and working near a UNESCO World Heritage Site, learning the Mayan history through first-hand experience with stunning archaeological sites, understanding colonial influence through renowned museums and traveling throughout two of Central America’s most culturally and environmentally rich nations. All of these opportunities await you in our Guatemala and Belize… read more
Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month
Every year from September 15 to October 15, we celebrate Hispanic heritage and culture in the United States. For this blog post, we are sharing stories from three Hispanic students about their unique study abroad experiences. For our first story, we’ll be discussing Marco Pevia’s experience abroad in Brazil.… read more
Glimpses of Guatemala
As my first month in Antigua, Guatemala comes to an end, I find myself strolling down memory lane, reminiscing about the magical moments I’ve experienced. From my initial footsteps on the charming cobblestone streets to the splashes of water from passing “tuk-tuks,” which are three-wheeled taxis, every day has been… read more
Chilean Connections
I had never been outside the U.S. before my current Education Abroad program in Santiago, Chile. While I’ve taken some trips around the country, most of my experiences stem from the same Texas suburb. Therefore, when family or friends asked what I was looking forward to before embarking, I had… read more
You Can Study Abroad
As I sit in international departures at the airport, I think of my memories over the last three months. Chile is such a magical place, where everything comes together. Traveling and immersion experiences should be a requirement for all college students. Being immersed for three months allowed me to learn… read more
Santiago, Chile: The Start of The World
Chile is the southernmost country in South America and is called “The End of The World.” I get to be here in Santiago, Chile, for more than 100 days, but since this is my first week ever outside of the U.S., this is the start of the world for me. … read more
Two Semesters Abroad (And Some Advice to Show for It)
Hello Longhorns! My name is Joelean Hall and I’m a senior majoring in International Relations and Global Studies. I have studied abroad now for 2 consecutive semesters, one in Chile and one in Argentina. As my last blog post I wanted to reflect back on the things I’ve learned, give… read more
The Final Stretch
When I arrived in mid-August, December seemed like years away. I was unaware of just how quickly the time would pass and how much I would learn along the way. While my Instagram shows the beautiful places I visited and the fun times I had, it cannot portray what I… read more
Las Madres, Las Abuelas y los Nietos
Hey longhorns! My name is Joelean Hall and I’m studying in Buenos Aires this semester. I am a senior majoring in International Relations and Global Studies. Since my last blog post, I have taken a considerable amount of time at home studying and getting ready for the end of the… read more