“Hallo! Mijn naam is Diana, aangaan!” No, that’s not a typo. That’s how you say ‘hello’ in Dutch. The second part means, “My name is Diana, it’s nice to meet you.” Interesting, right? In between clusters of syllables, the hard gs, soft js and vowels that stick together, Dutch has… read more
Affiliate Programs
Thriving Abroad: Conquering Culture Shock and Language Barriers
Congratulations, Longhorn! You’ve snagged that much-desired study abroad spot, and an epic adventure awaits! But let’s be real: Venturing into a new culture with a language you don’t know can feel like jumping into a mosh pit at a concert where you barely know the music. Culture shock and… read more
Credit for Study Abroad
Choosing classes for your study abroad program can initially seem like a daunting process. Many students believe they can’t satisfy their degree requirements during an international program. Luckily, the resources provided by Education Abroad can ensure that study-abroad students will not have to delay graduation. Know Your Type of… read more
Tangier and Chefchaouen: Morocco’s Hidden Gems
Wow. It doesn’t even feel like it’s been two months, but this semester has flown by. I genuinely feel like I’ve seen more of Morocco than I have seen of my home state of Texas. The classes I’m taking through the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) have… read more
Pre-Departure Travel Tips
Congratulations! You made it through the application process and have been accepted to your desired program. Are you ready to take the world by the horns? This post outlines a few things you must take care of before going abroad. You will see some steps to take that are listed… read more
Laying Foundations: Speaking With Your Academic Advisor
Exploring international cuisines and landscapes and expanding your knowledge of different cultures marks the experience of studying abroad, but academics hold importance, too. One of the most crucial steps during the study abroad planning process is to speak with your academic advisor. They can help narrow down what type of… read more
The End of An Age: Turning 20 in Korea
Three days after I landed in Seoul, the populace around me suddenly became a couple of years younger. In South Korea, you are considered to be 1 on the day of your birth, and you continue to gain a year in age on the first of January each year after… read more
Chilean Connections
I had never been outside the U.S. before my current Education Abroad program in Santiago, Chile. While I’ve taken some trips around the country, most of my experiences stem from the same Texas suburb. Therefore, when family or friends asked what I was looking forward to before embarking, I had… read more
My First 24 Hours Abroad
Traveling abroad can be challenging, especially when it’s a country and culture you have never experienced. During my summer abroad, I truly hit the ground running: My flight to Copenhagen, Denmark landed 16 hours before my first class. For someone like me who enjoys a fast-paced environment, this was a… read more
Embracing Spontaneity
Throughout my life, I’ve always been a planner. I’ve always had every detail to the second written down, organized and filed. I rarely make plans at the last second or embark on something when I don’t know all the details. It’s just how I’m wired. However, my way of organizing… read more