Living abroad in Europe is a remarkable experience for countless reasons, but perhaps one of the most extraordinary aspects is the ease and affordability of travel. The ability to hop on a train or plane and find yourself in a new country within just a few hours has allowed me… read more
The City of Music
There is not a single city that I have found myself in that devotes itself so fiercely to the arts as Vienna does. With the military decline of the Habsburg empire, Vienna suddenly found itself pushed to look inward and cultivate its own culture, and it certainly shows. In the… read more
How To Approach New Adventures
A part of your study abroad pre-departure preparation will likely include training on how to manage “culture shock” in an unfamiliar environment. At first, these new experiences can be challenging and may add to a feeling of homesickness. It’s best to approach adjusting to a new lifestyle with the mindset… read more
Preparing to Say Goodbye and Hello
In celebration of my last blog post on Global Ambassadors, I’m taking some time to reflect over my favorite memories during my time abroad, such as biking down the Donau Canal, countless visits for gelato, unforgettable trips around Austria and other countries, building beautiful new friendships, learning German and gaining… read more
Life Lessons in Austria with a Side of Gelato
It’s hard to believe that I’ll be going home in just six weeks. Six weeks until the end of the semester sounds scary, but six weeks until I leave Vienna sounds scarier. I can’t even put into words what this time abroad has done for me, my confidence, my heart… read more
Embracing Life in Vienna, Austria
Hello all! I hope everyone has had a wonderful spring break. For us students in Vienna, this week was filled with cold winds and occasional snowfall, but hey — can’t complain right? The other day, I realized that I unconsciously started calling Vienna home. It’s been nice to see how seamlessly… read more
Aller Anfang ist schwer. (Every beginning is hard.)
Quick Update: After an overwhelming layover in Boston and quite calm one in Frankfurt, I landed in Vienna last week and have since completed my quarantine. I will admit that the COVID-19 environment here is taken very seriously (I was offered free FFP2 masks at literally every grocery store I… read more
Self Discovery in Austria
Horns meet world. World meet Joseph Voss. Joe is a Mechanical Engineering major who went to Vienna on the Introduction to Engineering Design and Graphics Maymester program. He was able to travel around Austria and found himself going through a mode of self-discovery during the trip: This past summer I participated… read more