I’m going to be honest: the closer I got to my flight date to leave Texas and go to Mexico, the more I doubted I would board the plane. The summer was two months full of obstacles with registration, health clearances and personal things coming up a week before take-off.… read more
Moody College of Communication
Le Début
My study abroad experience in Paris is markedly divided into two sections. I moved here the first week of June – nearly three months prior to any official study abroad programming – and spent the summer establishing a routine: venturing into smaller museums solo, devouring literature, and discovering local spots.… read more
Goodbye, Guatemala…
As my time here in Guatemala draws to a close, I’ve been able to find an extra special appreciation for my experiences and what I’ve learned from them. My program has put me in a position to learn about the history of not only this country but of many other… read more
Learning Through A New Lens
As I sit down to write this blog, I truly cannot believe I have barely been in Guatemala a week. My heart is already swollen with love for the Guatemalan people, culture and beautiful landscape, and it genuinely swells a little more with each passing “buenos dias” or “hola” I… read more
Gratitude Across Borders
My abiding feeling while studying abroad has been gratitude. The opportunities I’ve had this semester while studying at Sciences Po in Paris, France, are mind-boggling. A text I sent at the start of the year after bombarding my friends with the new and beautiful things I’d seen so far… read more
My Global Ambassador Vlog
For her second post as a Spring 2022 Global Ambassador, Kate Wessels created a video encapsulating her study abroad experience. Due to COVID-19 lockdowns and a broken foot, Kate’s much-awaited study abroad trip was deferred. But in her last semester before graduation, she finally got the chance to travel across… read more
My French Dispatch
Living in Paris has been my dream since I was a toddler learning how to read with the “Madeline” picture book. (My mom can still recite the first few lines, and I’m nearly 21 years old—if that gives you an idea of how much I loved it!) I can genuinely… read more
Finding Balance While Studying Abroad
Right now, I’m on an airplane for a weekend trip to Dublin, and I’m doing some final preparation for my presentation on Monday. So, it’s only fitting that I am writing about finding a balance between work and travel while studying abroad. Figuring out how to best manage your time… read more
I Studied Abroad … Now What?
After planning my study abroad trip for more than three years (thanks to what I’ve nicknamed “pandemic patience”), my four months in Costa Rica passed in a flash. I’ve been back in the United States for a little over a month now, and my time abroad already feels like a… read more
650 Subjective Words About My Study Abroad in Madrid
“You are living your best life.” I’ve gotten that text from a couple of friends recently. It’s something I struggle to comprehend. Am I living my best life? Right now, I am pretty darn homesick, but I’ve learned a lot from my time here. Madrid is very nice. It is… read more