High on mountain peaks, I gazed and longed to linger, admiring cherry blossoms. How the ceaseless winds must be caressing them now. This poem, written in the Heian period by an anonymous poet in waka style, perfectly captures the emotions I’ve experienced… read more
Bringing Global Health Perspectives to Austin
Eldoret, Kenya is known as “The City of Champions” because its consistent production of world-class runners and Olympians is well-known throughout the city and globally. Upon arrival, my first 20 minutes were spent discussing running, the culture of mobility and the expectation of excellence. I have always believed that time… read more
My First 24 Hours Abroad
Traveling abroad can be challenging, especially when it’s a country and culture you have never experienced. During my summer abroad, I truly hit the ground running: My flight to Copenhagen, Denmark landed 16 hours before my first class. For someone like me who enjoys a fast-paced environment, this was a… read more
Keeping Up Your Language Skills When You Return
Participating in a study abroad program is a great way to learn a new language or improve your language skills. Being immersed in countries where the dominant language isn’t English will force you to utilize your second language and gain experience that you wouldn’t find in a classroom setting. But… read more
Embracing Spontaneity
Throughout my life, I’ve always been a planner. I’ve always had every detail to the second written down, organized and filed. I rarely make plans at the last second or embark on something when I don’t know all the details. It’s just how I’m wired. However, my way of organizing… read more
What Makes You Special?
As the lovely cherry blossoms have gently taken flight with the breeze, I face the harsh reality that my time in South Korea is, unfortunately, not going to last forever. I’ve made amazing and unforgettable friends who have made me feel welcome and safe. I think about the ways my… read more
Finding My Pace
I have been in Taiwan for three months now. As I reflect on the past two months, I realized they have taught me a lot about endurance and joy. Through the overwhelming and stressful moments, I learned to not let them determine my outlook on my circumstances or my life… read more
Shifting My Personal Focus
Last December, I had a scare that almost prevented me from going abroad: In order to get acceptance from my international university, I had to send a copy of my passport. I had applied for renewal a couple months before, but it still hadn’t come in the mail. I received… read more
Military Appreciation Month: Veterans’ Resources for Studying Abroad
Here in Education Abroad, we are committed to helping all students have a successful experience abroad. If you or someone in your family receives veterans’ benefits, you can use these resources to support your time studying abroad. There are plenty of options for family members and veterans to use. Below… read more
Taking the First Step
Throughout high school, studying abroad was always something that interested me. My mom instilled a love for traveling in me at a young age, so the thought of going out and exploring Europe felt like a clear decision. There is so much to see, and studying abroad is a unique… read more