After running into some flight delays on my way home from studying in Scotland, I found myself with a full day in Paris before having to catch my transfer flight out to Austin. One day is certainly not enough to fully see the City of Lights, but it was definitely… read more
Global Ambassador
I’m on the Pursuit of Happiness: Finding Your Joy Abroad
Hey guys! My name is David Zulli, I am a 3rd-year IRG and Anthropology major, and I am studying abroad in Granada, Spain. As of right now, I am approaching the end of my semester abroad. In fact, I leave in just a few short days after I take my… read more
The Budget of Being Abroad
Hello again, for my final blog post of the semester! My name is Brandon and I’m a third-year marine science and journalism major studying at the National University of Singapore. With the semester finally at a close, I wanted to look back on one of the things that nobody really… read more
One Last Stroll Through Seoul
Hi all! It’s Celeste again, writing to you one last time from Seoul, South Korea. Coming into this study abroad trip, my friends and I were all in agreement over one thing: we only had one semester (FOUR months!) to make this trip count. Although four months seemed like an… read more
How Solo-Traveling Made My 21st Birthday Memorable
It’s My Party I Can Be Alone If I Want To. Studying abroad in Granada, Spain, definitely has its perks. The food is great (and really cheap), the tapas are free, and the clubs are always blasting the best Latin hits. As a result, after several weeks of enjoying all… read more
Journey’s End
Hello again! It’s been quite a while since I last wrote. My name is Brandon and I’m a third-year marine science and journalism major studying at the National University of Singapore (NUS) for this fall semester. With final exams fully underway and having just finished three of my four exams… read more
An Irish Journey
When I decided I wanted to study abroad, part of the reason I wanted to do so was because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. However, after the first initial 1-2 weeks of being in Glasgow though I realized that the city had added itself to my… read more
Outro: The Case for Study Abroad
I’m back, baby- writing to you for the third and final time from my hostel cafeteria in Dublin, Ireland. This trip is a sort of last hoorah, as I am approaching the end of my fourth month in Europe and, thus, the end of my time abroad. It’s a weird… read more
Korea’s Hidden Secrets
Now that I’ve been in South Korea for nearly 3 months, I’ve fallen into a comfortable routine. Whereas I used to post everything I did on social media because it was new and exciting, I find myself posting less often these days, simply living in the moment and enjoying the… read more
My Quokka Adventure
It’s Ally, again! If you’ve been following along with my blogs, it’s been a while since I’ve been here in Perth! Finals are over and they were brutal. All of my exams were written essays so by the end of the week my hand was throbbing. My lab exam did… read more