On the first day of this year, I hopped on a plane (actually, three planes) to come to Hong Kong. My fervent packing the night before had been interrupted by New York’s, then New Orleans’ ball drop to ring in 2023. The motivation, enthusiasm for personal growth, and anticipation that… read more
The Hero’s Journey Takes Asia
Save for the week I spent in Vancouver, the day I spent on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, and the 20,000 steps I took in Victoria’s Butchart Gardens (all of which were with my parents and under the age of 15), I have never been abroad. I have never… read more
Holidays Both New and Old
I have never considered myself to be a big “holiday person.” While I appreciated the chance to come together with friends and family, holidays were never treated like a big deal. My family would participate in the usual traditions, such as setting out candy on Halloween or giving presents on… read more
Ending My Teenage Years in Seoul
I am very thankful to have spent the last parts of my teenage years in such a beautiful place: Seoul. Not only am I able to experience and have a better understanding of everyday Korean culture and lifestyles, but I have also been able to understand myself better. Throughout… read more
Instant Asia
The Lion City. The Garden City. Instant Asia. Instant Asia. This modern nickname for Singapore stood out to me more than any of the others. A country smaller in size than Dallas houses a population of nearly six million people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds, as well as an… read more
The Changing of Seasons and Kachoufugetsu
When I first arrived in Kyoto, Japan, two weeks ago, my hair stuck to my face anytime I went outside. Carrying groceries under the blazing heat of the sun felt like a momentous task, akin to that of the long walk up the hills of Austin to reach my dorm… read more
Unspoken Rules and Making Friends
Korea is a high-context culture, which means people here communicate implicitly, unlike in the U.S. In Korea, there are a lot of different cultural norms, so foreigners entering this country may have difficulty adjusting, especially since Korea doesn’t explicitly mention these rules in their everyday lives. For example, going to… read more
Take A Chance
After applying to The University of Texas at Austin in Fall 2019, I received a rejection letter and was instantly devastated. However, I applied to UT knowing about the possibility to appeal admissions decisions. I appealed and waited until April 1, 2020, when I finally received my “Gone to Texas”… read more
+12 Hours
Greetings from halfway across the world! My name is Nichelle Haley, and I am doing an internship in Singapore for the summer. Singapore is +12 hours from my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, and +13 hours from Austin. So every night in Austin, it is already tomorrow in Singapore. I remember… read more
The Art of Doing Nothing
I have been lucky enough to study abroad in Japan for three semesters: two at Kyoto University in Kyoto and one semester at Waseda University in Tokyo, which I am now more than halfway done with. Classes abroad have been much less rigorous and intense than those I have taken… read more